The Orangery of the Wilanów Palace Museum hosted a charity auction of paintings for the benefit of the House of Veterans of Polish Scenes Artists in Skolimów on November 19, 2016. Skolimów is struggling with problems related to its maintenance. Thanks to numerous collective actions it is still functioning. Hence the charity auction of paintings, which is part of the motto: “Remember the Veteran Artists,” emphasized Bogusława Skwarna, great-granddaughter of the founder of the Veteran Artists’ Home in Skolimów. – They were the ones who provided us with so many emotions and touches, and now they need support.
The Veteran Artist’s Home in Skolimow has existed since 1927. It was founded on the initiative of Antoni Bednarczyk, a director and actor, who knew the difficult fate of elderly artists. In the Veteran Artist’s Home, people from the stage – actors, dancers and other artists – spend the last years of their lives. Adolf Dymsza, Irena Kwiatkowska, Danuta Rinn and Lidia Korsakówna, among others, lived in Skolimów.
In November 2016, we supported a collection for Veteran Artists in Skolimow. The item we managed to auction is a painting of the Presidential Palace in Warsaw with the signature of President Andrzej Duda. The Skolimów Manor House has for many years been a shelter for people of art, who choose this place for the last years of their lives. They include those who stood on both sides of the stage, curtain, easel or camera – actors, musicians, painters, stage managers, stage managers, dancers, cinematographers and directors.