The Integro-EU Foundation is happy to support other Foundations, such as the Polsat Foundation. We practice the principle “Good comes back”- when we help others, we help ourselves, because all the good that we give comes back to us. In fact, the whole idea of charitable activities is based on this rule. There are many people in need, but there are just as many people who can help. Social solidarity really pays off. That is why we actively help others.
The Polsat Foundation provides assistance to small patients and financially supports hospitals and medical centers throughout Poland by renovating them or equipping them with modern medical equipment. The Polsat Foundation began its statutory activities on 6 December 1996. It was established by Telewizja Polsat, which was the first commercial television station in Poland to become involved in charitable activities. Specialized treatment, modern pharmaceuticals or complicated surgeries of children are connected with costs that often exceed financial possibilities of their parents. The Foundation has created a system of quick and effective response to requests for help. Information from parents is verified, and then considered according to established criteria. The money is used for treatments, surgeries, therapies and rehabilitation.