Not everyone likes the same thing, but that’s not the point. The point is that by surrounding ourselves with things we think are beautiful, we can live longer! This is not a joke. Our brain is a sensitive tool. And art can definitely be therapeutic.
Researchers suggest that passions related to art, e.g. painting, sketching, coloring, learning to play an instrument – can have a beneficial effect on health. Experts emphasize that people, regardless of their abilities, should engage in creative activities. It is a way to fight stress, a kind of meditation and a form of detachment from thoughts revolving around everyday matters.
After taking into account a number of economic, health and social factors, the researchers found that people who interacted with art once or twice a year had a 14% higher risk of dying at any time during the observation period. lower than for those who never got involved (3.5 deaths per 1,000 people versus 6 deaths per 1,000 people). Those who engaged in art every few months or more had a 31 percent lower risk of death. smaller (2.4 deaths per 1,000 people)
Scientists announce further research, adding that if they expand it with more evidence, we will get an even richer picture of how art can benefit health, which in turn can bring a wide range of scientific benefits and new therapies to improve people’s quality of life.